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Project Coordinator

Project Coordinator – Make a Good Finish of the Project!

project coordinator

The responsibility and role of a Project coordinator is as same as the project manager. The primary duty of a project coordinator is to set the project and each linked processes walking smoothly. The project team obviously needs the coordination of resources, information, equipment and activities. All these works should be done by a project coordinator in the primary stage for satisfaction. If the coordinator of the project can’t resolve any issue, then this case may goes to the project manager. Research shows that the strong correlation is present between productivity and the parts of the trusts. Trust is according to the effective communication, report and conflict management. The cultural differences are playing a vital role in making trust and the multicultural terms should be understood by the managing person.

In the west side punctuality is taken regularly for granted. But in the other hand in the east side you can see lot of differences. The issues of the infrastructures could exist water logging, power failure and transport strikes. The differences of cultural in the teams of multicultural can build misunderstandings between onsite. And offshore cultures supports in creating trust which is very critical step in development of the multicultural topics. It happens in addition to bring the following advantages on the project done by the project manager.

  •     Due to the 1 point of communication, its amounts decrease for the project manager.
  •     Management of time zone.
  •     Cross cultural management with HR issues.
  •     Creating teams according to the skill and competencies.
  •     Task assignment according to the competencies of team members as the project manager knows the entire team closely and perfectly.

It is very important to identify the difference between the people who are individually identified and a role of a person. A person can do many works by performing many roles. For example if there are 10 employee in a project, then they can act a role of a project manager in the presence of a project manager and one project manager can perform a role of other 10 peoples as business tester and business analysts at the same time. According to the experience and the skill of a project coordinator, they can join with the quality or management requiring areas as well.  By using of RACI, you can know about the responsibilities and role of the project coordinator. Well, if you need more information about this matter, then you can visit the internet and carry on your desired work.


Project Coordinator

Role & responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are generally the subset of that of the Project Manager. Primary responsibility of the project coordinator is keeping the project and related processes running very smoothly. The project teams often need coordination of the activities, equipment, resources, as well as information. In order, to satisfy this need project coordinator functions in the primary role. Any of the coordination issues which will not get resolved are actually elevated to project manager. The research indicates there is the strong correlation between the components of productivity and trust.

The cultural differences play the key role to build trust and person managing multicultural teams has to know this. For example, in west generally punctuality is taken totally for granted….while in the places in east where infrastructure issues can exist say water logging, power failures, transport strikes although the person may wish to be on time however for reasons totally beyond his control is postponed. Failing to know this, first might conclude that second is obstructionist, lazy, or dishonest. Second person may expect respect for natural order of the things.

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